Writer Therapy: Creating Opportunities in Film, TV, and Beyond

Get comfortable ... it's therapy time!

With screenwriting career coach Lee Jessup and writer-turned-therapist Phil Stark (Dude, Where's My Car?), we'll not only discuss the state of the industry but also the mindset needed to stay in the game.

Perhaps, the biggest question for survival is, “Are you a screenwriter or a storyteller?” We'll discuss the pitfalls of writers painting themselves into a corner by not at least exploring other writing avenues. Let's dispel the myth of “all I need is a manager” or “all I need is to sell one script.”

Yes, it’s hard out there, but it’s always been hard. A writer won't get anywhere unless they put themselves out there and be as efficient as possible in jumpstarting their career.

Lee and Phil will share advice on getting your mindset straight, and words on the page.

Mindset Shift: Set Yourself Up for Writing Success

The beginning of a new year is a great time for authors to set goals: you may want to start (or finish) a draft, find a literary agent, or get published. With goal-setting, of course, comes fear and doubt and resistance. Not to mention the fact outcomes can rely heavily on market conditions, industry trends, and individual agent or editor preferences—all of which are beyond your control. 

In this session, Amy Goldmacher will take you through an interactive process that will give you tools to: 

You’ll leave with practical techniques and resources you can use immediately, along with the mindset shifts for writing success, to reach your literary aspirations in 2023 and beyond.