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March 4, 2025

Writing Your Second Draft: Elevating Your Story

After an author types “the end” on the first draft of a novel, the real work is about to begin. You’ve heard the adage that writing is revising, and that’s largely true. The difficulty is knowing how to begin the revision process. Where do you start? How do you identify weaknesses in your first draft? Is there a right way and a wrong way to go about this? 

Book Pipeline

Book Pipeline connects writers to publishers, agents, and the film industry through competitions and workshops, providing hands-on support to bridge the gap between emerging authors and the industry since 2014.

Script Pipeline

Script Pipeline connects writers with producers, agents, and managers, facilitating over $8 million in sales through competitions and ongoing industry support, helping launch major films and secure high-profile representation since 1999.

Film Pipeline

Film Pipeline connects filmmakers and writers with agencies and executives, focusing on diverse storytelling and playing an active role in developing and promoting projects, reviewing thousands of submissions annually since its launch in 2018.

Your First Draft is Done ... Now What?


June 8, 2022


2 Hours







Congratulations! The first draft of your manuscript is finally done. A sense of self-satisfaction along with a well-deserved day of cloud floating should be the only thing on your to-do list as you proudly stare at that completed work for the unique piece of art it is.

But … when you start to feel a gentle tug, that's the next item on your list pulling your feet back to the ground asking, "What are you going to do with it?"

Editor and literary agent Latoya Smith might be the next step along your way to publication, and lucky for us, this editor/agent super-combo is here to share her wealth of knowledge and plant helpful guideposts for authors who are ready to get their manuscript out into the world, rather than let it sit on their desktop. Art is meant to be shared, after all!

In this course, Latoya will cover:

  • Types of editors: which one will you need?
  • Polishing the first draft
  • Common first-time author mistakes
  • Self-publishing vs. traditional publishing: which path is right for you?
  • The importance of building a strong network
  • Publishing is a business—important things to keep in mind


Latoya C. Smith
Latoya C. Smith started her editorial career as an administrative assistant to New York Times bestselling author, Teri Woods at Teri Woods Publishing while pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree at Temple University. She graduated Cum Laude from Temple in August of 2005. She then attained a full-time position at Kensington Publishing in March of 2006. In October 2006, […]

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March 4, 2025

Writing Your Second Draft: Elevating Your Story

After an author types “the end” on the first draft of a novel, the real work is about to begin. You’ve heard the adage that writing is revising, and that’s largely true. The difficulty is knowing how to begin the revision process. Where do you start? How do you identify weaknesses in your first draft? Is there a right way and a wrong way to go about this? 
March 11, 2025

Writing Great Dialogue

Writing believable, compelling dialogue is one of the hardest parts of constructing fictional narrative. Julia F. Green will guide you through how to create great dialogue, including hands-on exercises.

Latest Streaming

February 25, 2025

Querying Literary Agents: Query Letter Essentials

Zoe Quinton is a book editor and has also worked as a literary agent. She will help you navigate the landscape of writing queries and finding the right representation for your writing career, as well as critique your query letter, post event.
February 19, 2025

Logline Workshop

You may have been banging your head against the wall trying to construct a great logline, but you’re frustrated you can’t quite hit the mark. Merridith with teach the components execs want to see in a logline, and provide tons of insights. You’ll leave with the tools you need to whip them into shape.
February 11, 2025

A Crash Course in Novel Writing

Your story matters, and "someday" is not the time to write it. If something has been holding you back from writing your novel—whether it be lack of time, lack of motivation, lack of knowing how to write it, or just plain fear—then Grant Faulkner, former Executive Director of National Novel Writing Month, can help you get your creative juices flowing and take the first steps to planning your novel.

Symposium, presented by Pipeline Artists, is a year-round virtual conference empowering creatives with honest, no-nonsense guidance across the arts. Through seminars, industry panels, and Town Hall discussions on screenwriting, filmmaking, publishing, and career-building, Symposium offers grounded advice from working professionals to help you forge your own unique path.

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