Workshop: Build and Customize an Author Business Model

Build and Customize an Author Business Model from Pipeline Artists - Symposium on Vimeo.

In her 30 years experimenting with all aspects of book publishing, indie book publisher, publishing entrepreneur, publishing consultant, and author coach Sharon Woodhouse has seen and helped authors develop and use various income sources to create ongoing, sustainable income for themselves.

Follow along as she walks you through her proprietary spreadsheet for estimating and tracking 14 different types of author income and start putting into place your own ideal business model. This tool is flexible enough to allow for your own experimentation and adjusting course as needed.

What this workshop will cover:

  • Establish an author business model that you can refine going forward.
  • Expand your ideas about how to market and sell your books and make a good living as a creative.
  • Learn about 14 types of author income and how other authors mix and match them to build sustainable enterprises.
  • Create an income-generation plan at the level you desire.
  • Use this tool to estimate and forecast your earnings.
  • Use this tool to track actual income and plan ahead.
  • Q&A

Before book publishing, Woodhouse’s first business was private math tutoring, especially for math-reluctant adults going back to school. Don’t let anxieties or an aversion to numbers and things quantitative get in the way of reaching your writing and creative self-employment goals.

Come learn how to put this simple and powerful tool to work for you.

[Recorded September 12, 2023]

Sharon Woodhouse, owner of Conspire Creative, is an author coach, publishing consultant, multipreneur, and book publisher.

For over 25 years she ran an indie book publishing company she founded when she was 25. Her business ultimately came to have three imprints, a distribution component, and a hybrid publishing wing. Now, with a small team, she focuses on publishing consulting, coaching authors to meet their goals and expand their ideas of what's all possible for them, and managing self-publishing projects.

Her specialty—and also her favorite thing—is encouraging authors to take an entrepreneurial approach to their author goals and author careers, including showing them how to go about it and supporting them in making it so.

She happens to think this route of incrementally creating a sustainable, profitable sideline, part-time business, or full-time enterprise is the hands-down best way (and the only way for many) for nearly any author to make ongoing income and realize sustained satisfaction from their books and author life.

If you’re an author looking for such rewards, especially increased exposure, income, and satisfaction around your book/s, experience, knowledge, and author status, here are a few ways she can help you:

  • Follow her on Medium where she write articles (almost 200 to date) for authors, authorpreneurs, book promoters, and anyone wanting a holistic view of the publishing industry and making income related to book writing.
  • Subscribe to her FREE ABC (Author Business Coaching) Nudge newsletter to receive a brief 3x/month email nudge to help you keep your author goals and income on track with accountability, tested ideas, new information, and fresh perspectives.
  • To talk more about your author goals and questions, feel free to sign up for a free 30-minute call with me. This is not a sales call, but a call to discuss your goals and ask a few questions. If I can help you further, I'll take a couple minutes at the end to suggest those things to you.
  • Try out her private Facebook group, A Profitable Author Life You Love, for authors working on building a part-time or full-time business around their books, experience/expertise, and author status. Free for your first three months. No strings attached or obligations upon signup. Just come, participate, learn, and enjoy new results! Five days a week, there's content on different themes (Mindset Mondays, Event Tuesdays, Marketing Wednesdays, Sales Thursdays, and Business Development Fridays).

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