
Tune into live conversations with authors, editors, and literary agents sharing their journeys and expertise in the world of publishing.


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March 18, 2025

Writing for Comics

In this session with comic writer and founder of Avina Comics John Avina you will learn how to tell stories in a sequential manner, and write for not only your audience but also for an artist. John will cover panel layouts, budgeting space for dialogue and telling a character arc across one issue. The goal […]

Book Pipeline

Book Pipeline connects writers to publishers, agents, and the film industry through competitions and workshops, providing hands-on support to bridge the gap between emerging authors and the industry since 2014.

Script Pipeline

Script Pipeline connects writers with producers, agents, and managers, facilitating over $8 million in sales through competitions and ongoing industry support, helping launch major films and secure high-profile representation since 1999.

Film Pipeline

Film Pipeline connects filmmakers and writers with agencies and executives, focusing on diverse storytelling and playing an active role in developing and promoting projects, reviewing thousands of submissions annually since its launch in 2018.

One-on-One with NaNoWriMo's Grant Faulkner


October 5, 2022


1.5 Hours







For those who need help finding a writing routine, or are deadline-driven writers, this one is for you. Jeanne Veillette Bowerman sits down with Grant Faulkner, writer and Executive Director of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). They'll explore not only the famous annual writing challenge, but also how to navigate the unpredictable life of a writer.


National Novel Writing Month
NaNoWriMo Shop
NaNo Prep 101
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel
Scrivener Software
Writer Beware®
Agents + Books by Kate McKean

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Jeanne Veillette Bowerman
Jeanne Veillette Bowerman is a Senior Executive at Pipeline Media Group and Book Pipeline, Editor-in-Chief of Pipeline Artists, co-host of the Pipeline Artists original podcasts, "Reckless Creatives" and "The Story Will Save You," former Editor-in-Chief of Script magazine and a former Senior Editor at Writer's Digest. Her Script column "Balls of Steel" was selected as recommended reading by Universal Writers Program. A […]


Grant Faulkner
Grant Faulkner is the co-founder of 100 Word Story, the co-host the Write-minded podcast, and an executive producer on America’s Next Great Author. He has published three books on writing: The Art of Brevity: Crafting the Very Short Story; Pep Talks for Writers: 52 Insights and Actions to Boost Your Creative Mojo; and Brave the Page, a teen writing guide. He’s also […]

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March 18, 2025

Writing for Comics

In this session with comic writer and founder of Avina Comics John Avina you will learn how to tell stories in a sequential manner, and write for not only your audience but also for an artist. John will cover panel layouts, budgeting space for dialogue and telling a character arc across one issue. The goal […]
March 25, 2025

Spies, Lies, and the Secrets We Keep – Spy fiction, what is it and how do we write it?

In this 2-part event, get a a deeper understanding of what makes a novel fall into the spy fiction genre, as well as how to write stories that possess the basic elements of spy novels. The principles also apply to thriller and mystery genres.

Latest Streaming

March 11, 2025

Writing Great Dialogue

Writing believable, compelling dialogue is one of the hardest parts of constructing fictional narrative. Julia F. Green will guide you through how to create great dialogue, including hands-on exercises.
March 4, 2025

Writing Your Second Draft: Elevating Your Story

After an author types “the end” on the first draft of a novel, the real work is about to begin. You’ve heard the adage that writing is revising, and that’s largely true. The difficulty is knowing how to begin the revision process. Where do you start? How do you identify weaknesses in your first draft? Is there a right way and a wrong way to go about this? 
February 25, 2025

Querying Literary Agents: Query Letter Essentials

Zoe Quinton is a book editor and has also worked as a literary agent. She will help you navigate the landscape of writing queries and finding the right representation for your writing career, as well as critique your query letter, post event.

Symposium, presented by Pipeline Artists, is a year-round virtual conference empowering creatives with honest, no-nonsense guidance across the arts. Through seminars, industry panels, and Town Hall discussions on screenwriting, filmmaking, publishing, and career-building, Symposium offers grounded advice from working professionals to help you forge your own unique path.

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