The Biggest Lie in Publishing: How to Avoid Pitfalls and Find Success

The Biggest Lie in Publishing: How to Avoid Pitfalls and Find Success from on Vimeo.

Achieving success as a novelist is a LONG journey. 

Every step in the process can take months, even years, to complete. There’s your first draft. Then revisions. Querying agents. More edits. Going on submission. Finally landing that coveted debut book deal. Then more edits again.

Yet despite the Herculean task of getting a book deal, many debut authors never publish again. Authors are sold a lie that pushes them into burnout. 

You have been sold that same lie.

“It’ll get easier when …”

Isabel Sterling, traditionally published novelist and master certified life coach, calls this lie The Greener Effect. 

But the grass isn’t actually greener once you sign with an agent. Burnout doesn’t vanish when you get that first book deal. Imposter syndrome doesn’t go away when you hit a bestseller list. 

In order to get—and stay—published, you need to stop relying on external success for motivation. 

Mastering your mindset makes that possible. 

This presentation will cover:

  • The Greener Effect: What it is, where it comes from, and why it’s so damaging 
  • The role of mindset in burnout prevention and publishing success
  • How to spot burnout before it derails your writing life 
  • Mindset tools that build resilience and momentum in your career

[Recorded May 23, 2024]

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Isabel Sterling (she/they) is a master certified coach, the host of The Author Burnout Cure podcast, and the founder of The Confident Author Academy. Their traditionally published novels include THESE WITCHES DON’T BURN, THIS COVEN WON’T BREAK, and THE COLDEST TOUCH. She lives with her spouse and fur-babies in Central New York, where the winters are frigid, the summers are too hot, and autumn is perfect.

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