Logline Workshop

Everything you need to know to sell your story and yourself … in just one sentence.

This workshop is available quarterly. The next session will be in the fall.

There are two questions every writer must be able answer clearly and quickly:

“What’s your story about?"

“What do you write?”

The answer to the first question will reveal the genre, tone, hook, premise, and stakes of a single project. The second question will reveal what you as a writer care about in your work, and why you're the best person to to tell the stories you do.

You need your story idea boiled down to a single, compelling pitchable sentence to get the attention of a manager.

Our logline workshop will teach you how to do just that ...

In this exclusive two-hour event, we'll:

  • Discuss the definition and purpose of a logline.
  • Look at great examples of loglines that work.
  • Explore different ways to construct loglines based on who you might be pitching to.
  • How to use a story logline to sharpen the hook of your project.
  • How to manage the fear of marketing yourself and your project with one sentence.
  • Discuss the reasons not everyone will respond to your logline—and why that’s actually a good thing.
  • Workshop attendee's loglines in real time (Merridith will review as many as time allows).
  • Open Q&A

You may have never written a logline before. Great! We’ll do a lot of that together.

You may have been banging your head against the wall trying to construct a great logline, but you’re frustrated that you can’t quite hit the mark.

We'll workshop the loglines you love and the loglines you hate. You’ll leave with the tools you need to whip them into shape and build future loglines with ease.

While we hope to get to as many of the attendees' loglines as possible, we do not guarantee everyone will have a chance to get live feedback. First come, first serve.

*CONFIDENTIALITY: In an effort to best facilitate event participation, the recording will only be shared with the registrants and not available on-demand. If you're uncomfortable sharing your logline, that's fine, too, as it's not required.

Questions about registration? Check our handy FAQ page.

*NOTE: If you want the recording sent to you, do not check off the box in the Zoom Events registration process that restricts us from obtaining your email address and do not unsubscribe from Symposium emails. Confirmation emails come from Zoom Events—search your inbox for noreply-zoomevents@zoom.us—not Pipeline Media Group.

If you have not received the recording within 72 hours of the live event, please email symposium@pipelineartists.com

Merridith Allen

Merridith Allen is a theater-trained performer and storyteller with an extensive background in martial arts. She writes about women wrestling with their demons (read: kicking their demons in the teeth), with a special focus on female-driven martial arts, drama, action, and dramedy. Excerpts from Merridith's produced plays can be found in over a dozen anthologies through Smith&Kraus Publishers. An award-winning screenwriter, Merridith has been the recipient of several prestigious writing fellowships from such organizations as The Sewanee Writer's Conference, VCCA, and the San Miguel Writer's Conference. As an instructor, Merridith has led writing workshops all over the world. Email: writelikeawarrior@gmail.com

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