Writing Captivating Scenes

Julia F. Green will break down the scene to its basic elements, explore what each element needs to be successful, and discuss how these elements must work together to make the scene shine.

Logline Workshop

You may have been banging your head against the wall trying to construct a great logline, but you’re frustrated you can’t quite hit the mark. Merridith with teach the components execs want to see in a logline, and provide tons of insights. You’ll leave with the tools you need to whip them into shape.

Hard Truths: Book Writing Competitions

Understanding how contests actually work and what types of projects typically resonate is essential to any writer looking to compete—the story idea, the quality of the writing sample, the voice of the author, etc. Our Book Pipeline execs Matthew J. Misetich, Ciara Duggan and Jeanne Veillette Bowerman offer insider tips on writing competitions from the perspective of the readers behind them.

One-on-One with Jane Friedman

If you have not yet learned about the most prominent, accessible and talented publishing expert there is—the amazing Jane Friedman—you're in for a treat. Pipeline's exec Jeanne Veillette Bowerman will conduct a one-on-one conversation with Jane for a deep dive into publishing, her recent, chaotic A.I. adventures, as well as answer our audience's burning questions at our live event!

Hard Truths: From Screenwriter to Graphic Novelist

Pipeline Executives Roni Brown and Spike Scarberry join Thomas Krajewski—the co-creator of Primer (DC), a really rad graphic novel series, and a former Script Pipeline TV Winner (2014)—to discuss the intricacies of the comic world.

How to Find and Work with a Literary Agent

Latoya C. Smith, a 20-plus year publishing veteran, will teach authors the tools they need to find an agent. She will also offer insight on what’s expected of authors as clients, and what they should be expecting from their agents.

The Biggest Lie in Publishing: How to Avoid Pitfalls and Find Success

The grass isn’t actually greener once you sign with an agent. Burnout doesn’t vanish when you get that first book deal. Imposter syndrome doesn’t go away when you hit a bestseller list. In order to get—and stay—published, you need to stop relying on external success for motivation.

Step-by-Step Guide to Indie Publishing Bundle

In this exclusive three-part series, our speakers share advice for the authors who want to jump into indie publishing. Our industry professionals guide you from getting your book professionally edited, to a deep-dive explanation of the self-publishing process, to how to market your book.

How to Build Complex Characters to Drive Plot/Story

How to Build Complex Characters to Drive Plot/Story from info@pipelineartists.com on Vimeo. Complex, compelling characters are the essential element of every story we can’t put down or look away from. In this session, Julia F. Green will discuss how to create well-rounded characters, exploring their origins, identifying key moments in their development, and getting to […]

Producing a Narrative Podcast

Producing a Narrative Podcast from info@pipelineartists.com on Vimeo. Producing a narrative podcast series can feel a lot like producing a film. There’s the script writing, casting, production, editing, and scoring, plus the confusing world of distribution and grassroots marketing. The key difference: a narrative podcast relies heavily on imagination and visual storytelling. Jessica Hobbs produced […]

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