Town Hall: NaNoWriMo Write-In Sprint Series
In partnership with NaNoWriMo's upcoming November writing challenge, Pipeline Artists' Symposium kicked off our first-ever 1-hour Write-In, which went so well that we turned it into a recurring series. For the next Write-In events, we've also added Zoom video for participants so you can connect with each other and grow your network.
If you jumped in last time, bring friends for a second (and third) round! Just click on this link and join us.
We'll be using the Pomodoro Method of 25 minutes of writing, then a 5-minute break to check in on our progress, and back at it for another sprint!
Join writers who are taking on the word-count challenge of writing 50,000 words in one month, or just come be a part of of the larger community. Accountability is the key!
If you have not signed up for National Novel Writing Month yet, it's easy (and free). Just hop on the site and create a profile.