Town Hall: Unraveling the World of Comics and Graphic Novels

If you've ever wondered about the comic industry, or considered how to adapt your screenplay into a graphic novel, we've brought together writing team Jimmy Palmiotti and Craig Weeden to answer your questions.

The Adaptation Process with Doug Richardson

Screenwriter and author Doug Richardson has both adapted books as a screenwriter and authored books that would be great fits for the big or small screen. He walks on both sides of the writer aisle, with vast experience in the Hollywood arena to help both screenwriters and novelists better understand the intricacies of the adaptation process.

One-on-One with Die Hard Doug Richardson

Doug Richardson has spent decades writing for the film industry. You might have heard of Die Hard 2, Hostage, and the OG Bad Boys. He's that Doug. But he's also a novelist, bourbon aficionado, and producer ... and a hell of a lot of fun. Pipeline exec Jeanne Veillette Bowerman sits down with Doug to chat about all things writing, and also asks Doug your questions, live, in our Q&A.

Storytelling Essentials: How to Write Compelling Backstory

In this workshop, Isabel Sterling (traditionally published author and master certified author coach), walks you through the fundamentals of compelling character backstory. You’ll learn where to look for relevant details, how and when to write backstory scenes, and how to get your character’s backstory on the page without info dumping or using excessive flashbacks.

Submitting to Literary Journals

Writer and professor Faye Rapoport DesPres discusses ways to decide which literary journals might be right for your work, and the submission process, step-by-step.

Empathetic Point of View

Kevin Morales dives into how Silence of the Lambs offers five empathetic points of view, but in very careful and deliberate ways. A symptom of bad movies and mediocre scripts is a lack of point of view or careless use of it.

Agents are People, Too: Query Letter Essentials

Zoe Quinton, who once worked as a literary agent, will help you navigate the landscape of writing queries and also critique your query letter.

Revise Like a Boss: A Guide for Giving and Receiving Stellar Feedback and Notes

Whether you’re new to script writing or working on your hundredth script, you need great feedback and notes in order to make a solid plan for the revision process. As a workshop leader and script consultant who has worked with hundreds of writers over the last ten years, this is a topic that is very near and dear to Merridith Allen's heart.

Workshop: Build and Customize an Author Business Model

Build and Customize an Author Business Model from Pipeline Artists - Symposium on Vimeo. In her 30 years experimenting with all aspects of book publishing, indie book publisher, publishing entrepreneur, publishing consultant, and author coach Sharon Woodhouse has seen and helped authors develop and use various income sources to create ongoing, sustainable income for themselves. […]

Hard Truths: Straight Talk About Handling Feedback

Whether a writer is up-and-coming or a pro, they need to know when to ask for feedback and how to handle receiving notes in order to elevate their stories and improve their craft. Join our panel discussion with Pipeline Execs Michael Owens and Matt Misetich, joined by Doug Richardson (Die Hard 2, Bad Boys, Hostage), and screenwriter Merridith Allen for a live Q&A.

Education for creators.

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